Final result

Create fish in the glass photo manipulation

In this tutorial, we’ll create a kind of funny fish in the glass photo manipulation. Let’s have a look at our final result, which is displayed below before starting it.

Step 1:-

Firstly, create a new file with 600px width and 900px height.

Step 2:-

Open any glass image that you want to manipulate and paste it on our file.

Step 3:-

Now we need to invert the image so click Ctrl + I for this.

Step 4:-

After that, create a new layer. For this purpose, click on the option of ‘Layer’ then go to ‘New’ and choose ‘layer’.

Step 5:-


Now select different colors and use them randomly on your new layer.

Step 6:-

After that, change the blending mode to “Color”.

Step 7:-

It’s time to add some fish. So simply copy and paste it in the water.

Step 8:-

Now duplicate the fish layer 2 to 3 times and randomly place them in the water. And now we are done. Our fish in the glass is ready.

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